{IMPERFECT} Cherished Paperback
This is an imperfect copy of Cherished. All books are completely readable, but the covers have significant issues including wrinkles on the spine and shifted cover printing (causing some covers to have a slight white line or to be crooked). These are being sold at a significant discount due to the cover damage.
All books come signed
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This is an imperfect copy of Cherished. All books are completely readable, but the covers have significant issues including wrinkles on the spine and shifted cover printing (causing some covers to have a slight white line or to be crooked). These are being sold at a significant discount due to the cover damage.
All books come signed
No refunds
This is an imperfect copy of Cherished. All books are completely readable, but the covers have significant issues including wrinkles on the spine and shifted cover printing (causing some covers to have a slight white line or to be crooked). These are being sold at a significant discount due to the cover damage.
All books come signed
No refunds